The Client

Castro Valley Marketplace

Contemporary Food Hall with Local Artisans located in Castro Valley, CA.

The Needs

Client wanted a website that displayed tenant spaces and location as well as a place for interested viewers to visit for not only tenant information, but also for events, recipes, blogs etc. The purpose was to bring more traffic and exposure to the Marketplace and it’s tenants.

Client wanted cross advertising / marketing vehicles that would drive the community to engage and post information for them to be updated.

The Work

Web Design / Development


Wire Frame

Produced a wireframe for the home page based on customer needs.

Images and links to merchant info. Blog feed, events and recipes.

Social icons and social media feed.

Newsletter subscriptions.




Designed layout on a CMS (Content Management System) Platform, WordPress.

Desktop, tablet and mobile ready.

Video embedded in hero section of the site. (Video I produced, see video section)


Laid out in directory fashion where each tenant had their own information page and image gallery. As well as a wayfinding map.

Events calendar integrated and connected to Event Brite which client used to post events. Event Brite events streamed automatically to events calendar so client did not need to update manually.

General blog for new update info on the marketplace.

Recipes blog was structured for viewers to continually visit the site for new recipes.



Applied GAnalytics to better observe site behaviors, specific page visits, demographics and overall site traffic.

Data is for a one month period.

Print / Digital Design

screen shot mag spread

Lifestyle Magazine

Designed a 52 page magazine that catered to the Castro Valley Unincorporated City / Community. The purpose was to implement ads and article write ups of new local artisans that are located in the Castro Valley Marketplace to drive foot traffic and exposure.

Video Production


Promoted on social media channels and website.

Video used in background hero area of the website.

Shot footage and edited video. Added motion graphics for text. Implemented licensed licensed music.

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